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Ministries at SJD

St. John Divine has many Ministries (Committees, Groups Guilds etc.) and the vestry members are liaisons between the priests and the leaders of the ministries. The ministries are in alphabetical order, the underlined words are the names of Commission (SWEEPS).

Adult ED

Vestry Education Commission

Presently, we have three adult Bible study groups and two adult small groups that discuss books written by Christian authors. All of our Vestry members, staff, and nursery attendees have completed the Safeguarding God's Children training. Currently, we do not have children over pre-school age attending church as we are mainly a retiree congregation. However, we would love to have an active children's education program if we could "grow" our congregation by having more families attend. Our area is growing rapidly with many families moving into the surrounding communities.

Altar Guild

Vestry Worship Commission

A volunteer group of the parish whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish.

AV Booth

Vestry Worship Commission

The AV Booth serves by providing media support that enhances our worship experience and creates our Live Stream for away members, potential members, and others.

Books of Faith Club

Vestry Education Commission

This group reads and discusses books written on a variety of thought-provoking subjects written by a variety of well-known theologians and a variety of thought-provoking authors. Our aim is to strengthen and examine what Faith is and know ourselves better.


Vestry Parish Life Commission

This group is trained to administer CPR and AED to people who are exhibiting symptoms that require intervention.


Vestry Evangelism Commission

The purpose of Cursillo is to present a method of living as a Christian in the world, it also provides a method for continual, personal spiritual growth.

Eucharistic Ministers (EM's)

Vestry Worship Commission

These Eucharistic Minister assists the priest in administering the Sacraments of Holy Communion, the consecrated bread and wine.

Eucharistic Visitors (EV)

Vestry Worship Commission

Laypersons take communion elements to ill or homebound parishioners.

Flower Guild

Vestry Worship Commission

These folks prepare the altar flowers for all services in the sanctuary.

Good Shepherd Ministry

Vestry Parish Life Commission

The Good Shepherd Ministry team solicits referrals of housebound parishioners who would appreciate regular visitation from fellow church members. Once the recipient agrees, members of the team visit once a week for approximately two hours.

Grace Memorial Garden

Jr. Warden

Burial grounds on St. John the Divine property for members and family.

Grief Support

Vestry Parish Life Commission

The Grief Support Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month from 10-11:15 in the Banner Bldg. It is open to anyone who is in need of support for a loss they may be feeling, be it present or past, whether it is a loved one, or a pet, or a job or something that had meaning for you.  When you feel the need, we can be there for you. This is a very supportive group.

Healing Center

Vestry Service Commission

A first of its kind in the South Shore area to provide healing prayer, a place of solace, and an area for those desiring to enhance their closeness to God.

Inter Faith Council

Vestry Service Commission

Interfaith Council Is a collection of a variety of faith groups with in Sun City Center that administer grants and donations with funds raised through the Nearly New thrift shop


Vestry Worship Commission

This Worship Leader reads the Lessons and Prayers.

Outreach Committee

Vestry Worship Commission

The Outreach committee for SJD operates under the overview of the Vestry Service Commission. Monthly meetings provide an overview and updates on activities of all efforts to provide service to others in the community.

Parish Nurses

Vestry Parish Life Commission

The Parish Nurse Program is part of the Bay Care Health System, which is spread out over several counties in the area.  It is called FCN - Faith Community Nurses.  Our FCN group is part of the St. Joseph's Hospitals Faith Community Nurses.  Our purpose is to encourage good health practices among our parish.  We maintain two AED machines, several First Aid Kits, a bulletin board offering suggestions for healthy living, diet, stroke prevention and we take blood pressure and maintain BP records the last Sunday of each month.  We have several RNs available to talk with you about issues you may be having.

Praise Band

Vestry Worship Commission

SJD's Praise Band that performs Praise & Worship and contemporary music.

Prayer Chain

Vestry Parish Life Commission

Prayer chain Members pray daily for parishioners who request a prayer.

Prayer Ministers

Vestry Parish Life Commission

Folks who administer prayer to people who would like a prayer for themselves or others.

SJD Jewelry Thrift Shop

Vestry Parish Life Commission

The shop is a Fundraiser for St. John Divine Church, and it is open to the public. It offers donated used jewelry, both costume and fine jewelry, at very affordable prices. It is open on Wednesday mornings, from 9-12, in a room accessible from the outside of the Parish Hall, and after the two services on Sunday. Monies earned will be used for various projects around the church. We encourage your donations. There is a basket at the office front desk and one in the parish hall high round table for your donations.

Triple T Ministry

Vestry Stewardship Commission

Primarily the "Treasure" of the Time, Talent, and Treasure

Welcoming Ministry

Vestry Worship Commission

Members of the Welcoming Ministry ensure newcomers feel welcome by greeting them in the Parish Hall before Sunday morning services, providing them with information packets, and introducing them to other parishioners. The team also hosts monthly Newcomer Sundays to provide more detailed information about the congregation and to encourage full membership and participation.

Ministries: List
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